green and gold
The past few days have been hectic, so I had to forgo one of my instalments for the series.
But here's the next one.
fifty missed christmases
I'm a little late for yesterday's offering, but sharing this image of an infant's grave (still?)born 51 years ago today felt timely.
(Fifty missed Christmases as of today's date).
tumbledown tree
untitled #27
This image is the 'before' picture of sister.
A good deed was done between captures by my companion in righting the Christmas tree that had fallen during the previous night's heavy rain.
And this is the penultimate season's grievings image for 2021!
decorating the tree
deck the halls
the festive hearts
This looks like being the last season's grievings instalment for now.
If I find any new ones worthy of sharing I'll do so whether that's before Christmas or anytime in the future.
I hope you've enjoyed this mini-series within my sepulchre series.
I'm expecting to have more stained glass images for you soon.
Perusing my digital archives for these images has reminded me exactly how many of my photographs from graveyards, cemeteries, churchyards and more haven't yet seen the light of day.
And don't even start me on how many graves I've captured on film that I would love to share with you!
I especially enjoyed reminiscing over my, as yet, unedited and unpublished photographs from Edinburgh's Parish Church of Saint Cuthbert.
I had the chance to revisit the Saint Cuthbert churchyard in 2011, likely about 10 years after my first visit there. This was due to the generosity of my newest Patreon patron, Sarah Jansen, who gifted me the unneeded return portion of her Edinburgh to London ticket. And Daniel and Mia who put me up for my visit during festival season moments away from the base of the hill Edinburgh Castle rises from. A prime position for photographing the Military Tattoo fireworks (which I did).
I hope to, eventually, share more of my analogue photographs with you, as well as my digital ones. Though a film and flatbed scanner - amongst other things like infinite time and money to devote to the task - is something I need to reinstate into my toolbox first. I'm working on it!