Day fifty-three of The 100 Day Project.
lost love
Day fifty-three of The 100 Day Project.
horsin' around
Day fifty-two of The 100 Day Project.
Man and horses by Gustave Doré from Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und Lande, feldzüge und lustige Abentheuer des Freyherrn von Münchhausen wie er dieselben bey der Flasche im Zirkel seiner Freunde zu Erzählen pflegt. Aus dem Englischen nach der neuesten Ausgabe übersetzt, hier und da erweitert und mit noch mehr Küpfern gezieret
extreme danger
Day fifty-one of The 100 Day Project.
Rhododendron javanicum by an unknown artist from Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe, volume six
Rhododendron carneum elegantissimum by an unknown artist from Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe, volume two
Rhododendrum smithii aureum by an unknown artist from Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe, volume one
abandoned ship
Day fifty of The 100 Day Project.
I’m halfway through the project!
I would love to know which is your favourite so far.
Spider by Leonard Leslie Brooke from A nursery rhyme picture book (number one)
Day forty-nine of The 100 Day Project.
a day out in the country
Day forty-eight of The 100 Day Project.
Carriage drawn by ostriches by Gustave Doré from Nouveaux contes de fées pour les petits enfants
holly wood
Day forty-seven of The 100 Day Project.
American holly by Henri-Joseph Redouté from Histoire des arbres forestiers de l'Amérique septentrionale, volume two
she's electric
she is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain
Day forty-five of The 100 Day Project.
Woman by Walter Crane from The necklace of Princess Fiorimonde
stolen kisses
Day forty-four of The 100 Day Project.
cheeky monk, he!
Day forty-three of The 100 Day Project.
Day forty-two of The 100 Day Project.
Day forty-one of The 100 Day Project.
Christ crucified by Diego Velázquez
Various dragons, snakes, alligators, crocodiles and other creatures by Gustave Doré from Milton's Paradise Lost
waiting for godot
the mandeville sisters
Day thirty-nine of The 100 Day Project.
Three women by Walter Crane from Household stories from the collection of the Brothers Grimm
Mandevilla atroviolacea by an unknown artist from L'Illustration horticole, volume 42
a delicate balance
Day thirty-eight of The 100 Day Project.
Fritillaria imperialis by Pierre-Joseph Redouté from Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits
Couple with horse by Pierre Édouard Frère from Le fils du diable
the boatman's call
where angels fear to tread
Day thirty-six of The 100 Day Project.
remote working
Day thirty-five of The 100 Day Project.
ghost in the shell
Day thirty-four of The 100 Day Project.
Ghost by Ernest Griset from Æsop's fables
Shell by George Brettingham Sowerby I from The conchological illustrations