Day eight of The 100 Day Project for 2021.
I made it to week two! Phewf!
I would take the candle's advice except there's just too much to do at the moment.
This was a gift from my friend Sophie which I've still not set alight.
I started off okay-ish with the base curve but then misjudged the length of the sides of the glass, making my candle a little off-kilter.
I was then aligning the points at the side of the candle wax with the top edges of the glass, not the base. So my line ended up being not so horizontal. Although I thought I moved back enough from it to surely have noticed my error, obviously I didn't.
Consequently, the top edge/curves of the glass are off too, but they're sort of correct to the candle wax line. Oops.
I also thought I'd aligned the 'w' in 'unwind' more accurately but, clearly, I was a little too far to the left and creating the 'Un' backwards possibly made them look a little odd.
If this were a photo, I could fix all of that in Photoshop. But I'm trying to silence the perfectionist in me and learn from my mistakes. (Though I actually rotated both the photos when editing as they weren't taken straight!)
I wonder if my issue with horizontals is due to the angle I have my journal pages on when drawing. I don't have a table to spread myself out on. So I'm drawing on the edge of my desk after moving half the plants out of the way. And trying not to accidentally click my mouse with the journal cover.
But then, on unlined paper, my handwriting often veers up as I write, so maybe it's just me...